A downloadable game

[47] - [NoName Team]

Daftar Anggota : 

[217] - [Fauzan Nur Rifai] - [Game Producer]

[238] - [Yusuf Husain] - [Game Programming]

[387] - [Aryani WIdo Werdani] - [2D Art]

[458] - [Faris miqdad al barro'] - [Game Programming]

[459] - [Denny Yanuar Nugraha] - [Game design]

[387] - [Zubair Rahma Anugrah] - [3D Art]

[322] - [Amelia fuji Lestari] - [product manager]

[486] - [farizki hermawan] - [Game Programming]

[165] - [Rifqi M. Riefard] - [Game Tester]

[353] - [Rakha Yusan Al Hafizh] - [3D Art]

link video presentasi :


Documentation: https://hollow-legal-3f7.notion.site/Core-Loop-fd329e6ae6df4be6a7dfba14430e5649

GitHub: https://github.com/farismiqdad01/mahawiwara-gate-of-the-lost-dungeon

Task Tracking: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FT05WRIQBWGNZGS31TQ1Lry9dZR2zc2x-smJ0eXF...

Pitch Document: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEt7De7Peg/share/preview?token=ZRo8FO1FrhdqEtW5JQg...

Video Team: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1KCjzp1r7KTxVlHnYDfZA4PV93WvyQSHU

Video Trailer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aHoFYQd_U1RpFBbq88pHkXNcc48qHmsH/view?usp=shari...

Video Playthrough: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tDepNOXbkMEselSq9KP1lVoMszJ5cKpr?usp=sha...

Latest DevLog:  https://dartoyo.itch.io/47-mahawiwara-gate-of-the-lost-dungeon/devlog/335265/111...

Build file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sW8KFWaOvcuJv-_EXqA1XRCScrnjkVzf?usp=sha...

Button In Game: 

- Skill: Q, R, C

- Blessing: Button 3

- Basic skill: Left Click

- Movement: W, A, S, D, SPACE


Mahawiwara_GateOfTheLostDungeon_47_NoNameTeam.zip 360 MB
Mahawiwara_GateOfTheLostDungeon_47_NoNameTeamV5.zip 360 MB

Development log

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